I've always claimed I would never want to build a new home, because I'd be overwhelmed with the decisions.  After my husband and I drew out our dream home floor plan, we hired Julie to implement our vision.  Julie turned walls and a roof into our home.  From creative paint styles that accentuate each room, unique placement of wall hangings combined with full length draperies, she created elegance in the simplest of forms.   Decorative pieces placed strategically create an environment pleasant to adults however sparks ingenuity with our children.  Knowing her audience, Julie was able to incorporate our vision while maintaining functional for a young family.  She not only hears your goals and desires, but listens to the details! 
-- Michelle, Grand Rapids, MI
We love to entertain and wanted our house to be in pristine shape for the firm's holiday party.  You alleviated our stress by helping us organize our existing furniture and belongings and giving us creative ideas that truly warmed our rooms and created the perfect atmosphere for our event.
-- Michael, New York, NY
She is an excellent communicator and is dependable. She exhibited extraordinary creativity and a her customer service skills are unrivaled.  -- Nancy, Chicago, IL
Julie really helped me materialize my own ideas rather than push her style on me. She's not only renovated my house, she's transformed the way I view a space. 
-- Angie, New York, NY